London Developers Toolkit

A 'satirical app' / renegade startup platform investigating the burgeoning skyline of phallic residential developments across London - targeted at the unfeasibly wealthy. The app asks users to produce 'napkin sketches' and parametricize their architecture, allowing someone of limited formal training to produce their own totemic structure. The Toolkit also provides a facility for the production of rich and visually evocative promotional material to capture the hearts and minds of potential investors.

This game has also been developed into the design of an interactive gallery installation where visitors can play the game, produce their own skyscrapers, and use the app to print their own glossy posters, uploading these online through social media.

London Developers Toolkit ‘2.0’ was commissioned by Architekturmuseum der TUM, München for the exhibition The Architecture Machine, presented in a custom-made housing including an inbuilt printer interface.

The game was exhibited at the exhibition Serious Fun at Architekturzentrum Wien, Vienna where it was shown in a new bespoke casing.

It is currently on display as part of the exhibition Playing Architecture - The City at Play, at Arcam Amsterdam until 28.05.23.

Photograph from Architekturmuseum der TUM © Laura Trumpp

Photographs from Architekturzentrum Wien © Foto:

Photographs from Arcam Amsterdam © Maarten Nauw